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Home » MFAA Shoot: Pequoig Bowman’s Club

MFAA Shoot: Pequoig Bowman’s Club

Wendy, Emma, and I attended the MFAA shoot at Pequoig Bowman’s Club in Athol, MA on 11/21/21. It was a very welcoming shoot.

The Pequoig Bowman’s Club archery range.

The picture above does not properly convey how many people were shooting. When we arrived the line was completely full.

If you go to this club, Google Maps is not entirely accurate. The club is pretty deep in the woods, and when Google told us we’d arrived, we had definitely not arrived yet. We continues driving on Chase Road until we saw the Pequoig Bowman’s Club sign that led us to the right place.

The organizers were not expecting as many archers as the numbers that showed up. In fact, we had to borrow a couple of single-spot targets because they didn’t have enough to outfit us with. It was fine, as I shot warm ups on a three spot before another archer gave me the target he had shot at during the event. Whatever works!

It was a very relaxed atmosphere and was a great shoot. I hit my personal best of 270/273, which I was mixed about. My scores were great but I felt my form was not so great. I’m trying to have a smoother, ”close to my face” follow through in which my fingers don’t open up too much, and there were a number of times during this shoot in which I felt my follow through come away from my face. The chase for perfectly consistent form never ends!
